Friday, January 20, 2012


"不知不觉在大学就这样过了一年半的生活,很多的第一次都在大学里发生,也见识过来自不一样地方的人,大学就像是在未踏入社会前的预备班因为在大学里我都能体会到‘心不可测’这四个字的道理。当有些人要在你身上得到一些资料时就会很客气的问你,过后就把你当透明。有些人就依赖性,没有责任感(依赖人家帮他做他该做的东西)。有些人可以用谎言来对话虽然只是一些小问题,根本就不会有损失的就算说真话。有些人会把'human as a mean,not as an end'.有些人会在考试前对你说还没读/还没读完什么东东的,拜托还小吗要耍心理术。因为我的身边就有一个恶魔,每天上课见面就是想不到原来他是酱厉害的人(应该是我太单纯天真没有防范的心),现在我已经学聪明了。。可想知道将来的社会是有多可怕的><"

post from my dear course mate.

I thought that he saying me as 没有责任感 because i always delaying our assignments. Actually is both problem. He wish to finish it one month earlier and I already told him that I really not free that time. 
After I get clarification him,
I know he is not saying me. Luckily~~ 

Yeah, I realize that to get a person that understand you well, can know you very much , and not going to blame you any time, always be with you, is kinda hard to find in a real world. Everything must depends on ourselves to achieve it. We don't know what others is thinking, planning~! Believe on ourselves that we can do better than others.
If you keep thinking how people will push you down, why not you think how to be good with everyone? and others keep telling that he/she not understand , not yet done finish or finish studying, those just a words is either make you down or motivates you, is doesn't matter whether you should believe it or not. He/she finish studying, is that your problem? not right? don't get effect ~ 

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