Sunday, November 11, 2012


真担心自己的成绩会怎样 :'(

Monday, November 5, 2012

Grow Up

Pass 1 year, I never think of apply this position
Pass 6 months, I don't know which position shall I choose
Pass 5 months, I almost give up my position. I went to GCDP to find back myself.
Pass 4 months, I started to love my job
Pass 3 months, I went to TtT as a VP learning. Nothing much I want to gain due of my sense of belonging.
But after all, I know I shall have different way for my department.
Pass 2 months, we kept busying with RD. I still remembered till this moment, when people shoot me, give me feedback , I was so down and give up on this.
Yes, I make it after that. I always challenge myself to do more, to experience more!
Pass 1 month, I started to have my new role in LLDS - conference manager. I was so scare of it. I scare I can't make a good result, a good conference. I was stress up myself .
And now , LLDS passed, I have a lot of feedback that said I'm improved.
Yeap, I'm happy for it and wish to improve more !

I never think that I can gain so much in few months,
I never think that I can improve so much
I never think that people will praise me
I never think that I have such characteristic.
Yea, I like to be introvert some times but this is my characteristics I guess :P
No matter what , I shall provide my team a good learning, I shall provide my MT a good platform.

Thank you to everyone!!